2014 Australian $1 One Dollar 100 Years Of Anzacs $1 PNC
2014 Australian $1 One Dollar 100 Years Of Anzacs $1 PNC
The Great War, as World War I was known until the outbreak of World War II, was the first conflict in which Australians fought post-Federation, making it the first they entered as Australian rather than colonial soldiers. It originated from
European tensions not immediately linked to Britain, when a Serbian nationalist assassinated the heir. apparent to the Austro-Hungarian Empire on 28- June 1914, threatening the balance of the central powers in Europe.
Once Britain was involved, declaring war on Germany on 4 August, Australia and other British dominions also took up arms. The government offered a contingent of troops and the services of its navy. Within a month, more than 21,000 men volunteered to serve in what became known as the Australian Imperial Force.
This postal and numismatic cover is limited to 14,500.